Everyone with a learning disability and autism has the right to vote. We have written a free easy read guide to voting in the 2024 UK General election to support people to use their right to vote.

Download your free guide

Our Easy Read guide is available in both English and Welsh, and you can view or download it here. Written and designed by Easy Read Wales, this guide covers:

  • What a general election is
  • Why your vote matters
  • Who can vote in a general election
  • Registering to vote
  • How to vote
  • Voter ID
  • Deciding who to vote for

Why Accessible Voting Matters

Making voting easy and accessible is crucial. It supports democracy, ensures fairness and boosts community involvement. By focusing on accessibility, we can help make sure the UK Government truly represents all its people. The My Vote My Voice campaign says if voting is inaccessible, then we don’t live in a democracy.

You can support the My Vote My Voice campaign by urging political parties to publish easy read versions of their manifestos: www.myvotemyvoice.org.uk/news-item/make-the-manifestos-accessible/

Accessible information is key

Taking part in voting and political conversations can be intimidating. There is so much information and differing opinions it can be hard to know where to start. We understand the importance of accessible information. Everyone has the right to have the information they need to make informed decisions. Our Easy Read guide aims to answer some of the big questions you may have about taking part in voting a general election, from What is a general election? to How to you decide who to vote for?

Your Vote is important

Whoever you choose to vote for, your vote matters. The people that represent you in UK Parliament are there to make sure the issues that are important to you, and that impact your life, are heard and thought about when big decisions are made. Make sure your voice is heard in the 2024 general election.

Thank you for your support

This project received no external funding.

This project was funded entirely through the support of our clients who chose Easy Read Wales for their documents. Their support allows us to create crucial free information for people with a learning disability. A big thank you to all our clients!

For a free quote, to see how we can help you with your accessible information, please email us at easyread@ldw.org.uk. Together, we can make a difference.