This week is Learning Disability Week 2021. Gerraint Jones-Griffiths is the Lead Ambassador for Engage to Change and here’s how he’s being creative this year.
The theme this year is arts and creativity. For my blog this month, I want to tell you about how I like to be creative and hopefully encourage you to try a creative activity yourself.
Over the years I have tried many different creative activities and love exploring new ways of being creative, I always say I will try anything once. Currently, one of my main ways of being creative is by being a radio presenter at BGFM (Blaenau Gwent local radio station) where I host my own show once a fortnight. I also co-host with another presenter in the night once a week. I like getting other people involved with my show by sending in song requests or by taking part in my quizzes.

Recently, I have tried a new way of being creative, performing as a drag queen! I love getting dressed up and putting on performances on Facebook. One performance had over 1200 viewers. It has been a great way to cheer people up and keep them entertained during the lockdown.
Another way I like to be creative is through singing, dance and drama. I used to go to dance and drama lesson which I enjoyed. I am currently a part of the Tredegar Orpheus male voice choir in the baritone section or top bass. The choir has been running for over 100 years. I am currently the youngest member, and it would be great to see other young people join.
Being creative and being involved in the arts has helped me to gain more confidence and become more outgoing. It has also led to some amazing opportunities and new experience. Getting involved in creative groups has helped me to meet new people and to make more friends. I have also gained and improved in lots of skills.
Top Tips
Have a go
Give new ways of being creative a try and take advantage of opportunities to try new things. It can lead to finding creative hobbies you love.
Try different ways of being creative.
Arts and creativity are not just about painting and drawing. It could be dancing, singing, writing and performing. There are lots of ways to be creative in groups or on your own. Find something that suits you.
Keep going
You don’t have to be perfect at what you do. Do not let mistakes put you off being creative. We improve our skills each time we do things.
Have Fun!
The most important part of being creative is having fun and enjoying what you do!