In today’s modern Wales people with a learning disability should be able to live modern lives. Our major 3 year project 21st Century People aims to make this possible by co-creating choices, opportunities and support for people with a learning disability.
1 April 2020 – 31 March 2025. Funded by Welsh Government

21st Century People celebrates people with a learning disability as creators, contributors and citizens of Wales, while challenging existing stereotypes.
Now in its fifth year, 21st Century People is delivering 4 key themes:
- 21st Century Families
- 21st Century Voices
- Healthy 21st Century People
- Living in the 21st Century.
You can find out about all the work we are doing in each theme below.
We are working with existing and new networks, partners, mainstream organisations and change-makers, both within and outside the world of disability. Together we are working to make Wales the best country in the world for people with a learning disability to live, learn and work.
If you have any questions, please email