This event was supported by Cymorth Cymru and Learning Disability Wales, funded by Welsh Government and the WLGA’s National Commissioning Board.
Over the past eighteen months, the learning disability sector has been coming together to develop a framework and guidance document to help guide and improve commissioning.
The document will be launched on the 5 March, with interactive sessions to bring the document to life and to break it down into concrete steps we can take as a sector.
This was a free event, and gave a brilliant opportunity to be there at the start of something that can revolutionise our services and liberate those we support to be at the centre of their care and support.
- Seek commitment to change commissioning practices
- Ensure families and service users at centre of process
- Influence commissioning practices to focus on ‘a good life’
- Use of good practice examples to influence change
- Identify opportunities to ensure cost effectiveness and value for money are achievable alongside person centred approaches