Museum Wales – Easy Read Annual Review 2023 to 2024

August 2024 | What Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales did over the year.

Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales asked us to create an Easy Read version of their annual review. The document is a review of their activities and achievements from 2023 to 2024.

It shares what the museum did over the past year, like how many visitors they had, new projects they started, and events they held.

It talks about their 6 commitments to be inclusive, support creativity, protect the environment, support wellbeing, do more things digitally and work with others around the world. It also tells you about upcoming events in the rest of 2024.

We also made a Welsh Easy Read version of the booklet. Both are digitally accessible for screen readers and other assistive technology.

Press the red download button to get the accessible PDF of the Easy Read booklet.

For more information, visit the Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales website.

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By Easy Read Wales | Hawdd ei Ddeall Cymru.