Arts Council of Wales – Easy Read report on work on equality from 2022 to 2023

July 2024 | What Arts Council of Wales did to reach their goals.

Arts Council of Wales asked us to create an Easy Read version of their report. This report is about the work they did for equality from 2022 to 2023.

Arts Council of Wales wants to make sure everyone can get join in with making, watching and working in art. The report outlines the 5 main goals in the equality plan.

It includes the main things they did to achieve those goals from 2022 to 2023. It covers more about their team, who they gave money to and the importance of their Strategic Equality Committee. The report highlights the Arts Council of Wales’ commitment to inclusivity and transparency in the arts.

We also made a Welsh Easy Read version of the report. Both are digitally accessible for screen readers and other assistive technology.

Press the red download button to get the accessible PDF of the Easy Read report.

For more information, visit the Arts Council of Wales website.

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By Easy Read Wales | Hawdd ei Ddeall Cymru.