New Lead Ambassador for Engage to Change

Learning Disability Wales is sending our warmest wishes of congratulations and thanks to Gerraint Jones-Griffiths as he takes up his new role as Lead Ambassador for the Engage to Change project. The Engage to Change Lead Ambassador will organise and support a team of Project Ambassadors, who are to be recruited in the next few … Continued

Consultation response by Learning Disability Wales on The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill

Learning Disability Wales (LDW) is supportive of the response provided by TSANA (Third Sector Additional Needs Alliance) as detailed below. In addition to our united response the paper highlights three other areas of concern for Learning Disability Wales. TSANA Response Multi agency working TSANA welcomes the significant attempt to strengthen the duty on health bodies … Continued

Learning Disability Wales, 41 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff Business Park, Llanishen, Cardiff, CF14 5GG
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