Learning Disability Wales is delighted to announce Tracy Hammond as the new Chair of our board of trustees.Tracy standing with her 2 dogs on a clifftop.

Tracy has worked with people with a learning disability for 30 years and is currently the Innovation Director at KeyRing, where she has worked for many years.

Tracy lives in Harlech and is passionate about the rights and lives of people with a learning disability. She has a particular interest in support for people with learning disabilities who find themselves in the Criminal Justice System and is passionate about getting the stories of people who have been poorly served by the system into the domain of decision makers.

Tracy said:

“Hello, my name is Tracy Hammond, and I’m delighted to be the new Chair of the Board of Trustees for Learning Disability Wales.

“I’m passionate about seeing people thrive and living the lives they want. This is why I’m so excited by our vision for Wales to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability to live, learn and work. And I’m looking forward to playing a small part towards making that vision a reality.

“I’m also looking forward to meeting and working with self-advocates, supporters, members, staff, volunteers and fellow trustees.

“I hope to meet many people sooner, but if you see me at one of our conferences in November, do please come up and say hello. In the meantime, I’m going to get settled into my new role and promise to do my best to support this amazing organisation.”

You can find out more about Tracy and our other trustees here.