We are excited to introduce Tammi Tonge, our new Welsh Youth Parliament Member. Tammi is representing Learning Disability Wales in the Welsh Youth Parliament from January 2025 to December 2026.Tammi Tonge

Tammi’s key issues at the Welsh Youth Parliament are:

  • Opportunities for young people with learning disabilities or autism
  • Challenges faced by children in care
  • Public transport for disabled people.

We asked Tammi to tell us about herself and her role as a Welsh Youth Parliament Member.

My name is Tammi Tonge and I am 18 years old. I attend a school for additional needs and college through the school.

I have been diagnosed with autism and a learning disability, as well as scoliosis and a rare genetic condition.

I try not to let my disability affect my life experiences and I enjoy lots of activities.

I was placed in foster care when I was born and then adopted by my foster family. I live in a fostering household and enjoy all the little people that quickly become part of our family.

Whatever challenges I take on, I always give 100%. It can sometimes be difficult, and I might need tasks to be simplified and explained to me in a way that I can follow and understand, but I always do my best.

My goal as a Welsh Youth Parliament Member is to try and improve life experiences for all, especially disabled people.

In my experience, inclusion does not necessarily mean you will be treated equally and have the same experiences as non-disabled people. Just because the word “inclusion” is used doesn’t mean that it will actually happen.

I enjoy helping and working with others. I attend local groups for disabled people, like Conwy Connect, and I plan to set up focus groups to discuss how we can work together to create change.

I might be small, but this doesn’t hold me back!

Find out more about our work with the Welsh Youth Parliament here.

Visit the Welsh Youth Parliament website here.