My home matters

Date: 06.11.2025 - 13.11.2025
Location: Llandudno Junction and Swansea

Get involved in Learning Disability Wales Annual Conference 2025


What is it about?

This year, our Annual Conference will be about housing, homes and where people live.

The conference will look at things like:

  • The difference between a house and a home
  • The sort of homes people live in and want to live in
  • Where people’s homes are
  • Your rights where you live
  • The choices people have about where they live
  • The choices people have about who they live with
  • How good people’s homes are
  • How people use technology to stay safe and independent at home
  • And lots more……

Where is it?

The conference will be held over two days: one day in Llandudno Junction, North Wales, and the other in Swansea, South Wales.

When is it?

My home matters will be on:

  • Thursday 6 November 2025, Conwy Business Centre, Llandudno Junction.
  • Thursday 13 November 2025, Village Hotel, Swansea.

How can I take part?

There are 2 ways you can take part.

You can run a workshop, give a presentation or show a film. Click here to tell us if you would like to contribute
Book your ticket early and get a 10% discount. Click here to book your discounted tickets here

More information about getting involved

We are looking for people to

  • give a talk
  • show a film
  • run a workshop
  • exhibit their work

We want to hear from all sorts of people in Wales and beyond, including

  • People with a learning disability
  • People First groups
  • Community groups
  • Local authorities
  • Housing providers
  • Campaigners
  • Support providers
  • Parents and carers
  • Researchers
  • Health Boards


Click here to tell us if you would like to contribute

We want Wales to be the best country in the world for people with a learning disability to live, learn, love and work.

Having a good place to live and feeling at home is important for everyone.

If people have problems at home or are not happy with where they live it can seriously affect their lives.

Where we live is important for our:

  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Safety
  • Independence

Not enough suitable homes

There is not enough supported housing, accessible housing or good quality housing that meets people’s needs.


Many people with a learning disability live on welfare benefits or low incomes. This can make it difficult to afford good housing.

Lack of support services

There is not enough good quality support services for day-to-day living and future planning.

Not enough opportunities to be more independent

Institutional settings or poor support services can limit people’s personal growth and independence.

Complicated systems

Dealing with housing applications, assessments and the benefits system can be overwhelming without accessible guidance, support or advocacy.

Stolen lives

Some people are being made to stay in inappropriate mental health settings, often a long way from home, because there is not enough suitable support and services close to home.

Loneliness and isolation

Poor planning, housing and support can lead to people being isolated in locations without access to community resources, public transport or social opportunities.

Safety and risk

People may be at risk of exploitation, abuse or neglect in some housing situations.

Fears about safety from support services or family may lead to people’s move to independence being limited.


Moving from family homes or residential schools into independent or supported living can be poorly managed, leading to gaps in housing and support.

Learning Disability Wales, 41 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff Business Park, Llanishen, Cardiff, CF14 5GG
Telephone 029 2068 1160 Fax 029 2075 2149 Email
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