Pembrokeshire Coast – Easy Read consultation on the plan for the National Park

July 2024 | Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority want to know what you think.

The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority asked us to create an Easy Read version of their consultation. They want your feedback on their plans for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park for 2025 to 2029.

The document explains what happens at the park, what the Park Authority does and their goals. They want to: Take care of nature and wildlife, Help people feel connected to the park and its history, Fight climate change, Support local communities.

It asks questions about what you think about the plan. Your ideas and feedback will help them make a final version of their plan.

We also made a Welsh Easy Read version of the report. Both are digitally accessible for screen readers and other assistive technology.

Press the red download button to get the accessible PDF of the Easy Read consultation.

For more information, visit the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park website.

Please contact us if you want to know more about any of our services:

You can see all our recent work here.

By Easy Read Wales | Hawdd ei Ddeall Cymru.