Care Inspectorate Wales – Easy Read report on learning disability services in Blaenau Gwent

June 2024 | What Care Inspectorate Wales found out.

Care Inspectorate Wales asked us to create an Easy Read version of their report. This report is about the Assurance Check they did from 26 to 28 March 2024 of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Adult Community Team (Learning Disability specific).

The report explains what Care Inspectorate Wales does and how they do their checks. It talks about what they found out about the learning disability services.

It includes the good work the council is doing and the things that need to be better. They looked at the areas of People, Prevention, Partnerships and Well-being.

We also made a Welsh Easy Read version of the report. Both are digitally accessible for screen readers and other assistive technology.

Press the red download button to get the accessible PDF of the report.

For more information, visit the Care Inspectorate Wales website.

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By Easy Read Wales | Hawdd ei Ddeall Cymru.